Reach your citizens digitally

Six million people want their mail in Kivra. And, at the same time Sweden's municipalities have decided to increase their rate of digitization. We can help you along - choose a safe solution that benefits everyone. Start sending with us!

Image for municipalities

Why Kivra as a channel?

Ikon föreställande hand som håller i ett kreditkort.

Lower cost and faster payment

Reduced administration, cheaper postage, and faster payments. With us, it's easy to cut down on unnecessary costs while saving time.

Ikon föreställande en låst skärm.

Offer a secure channel

Only verified users and senders are active in Kivra. We provide a fast and secure channel that reduces vulnerability for both individuals and society.

Ikon föreställande en person som springer.

Speed up your digital journey

We are a constantly expanding platform offering a comprehensive digital solution for everyone. A simple step in the right direction!

Ikon föreställande ett träd.

Contribute to the environment

Lots of trees are yearly cut down completely unnecessarily. Join our 50,000 other senders and make a difference.

Person moving plant

Focusing on the people

Mail is not just mail. Mail can be a crucial test answer. A notification about the payment that makes the month's expenses add up. Information that needs to arrive as soon as possible, for the recipient's sake. With us, you reach six million people across Sweden, without delay, regardless of where they live. Sending with us is not only cheaper and easier, it is a form of citizen service.

Bild på person med mobil

Security is our highest priority

As fraud increases, it has become more important than ever to offer a channel recipients can trust. They should be able to be rely on that you are you. This is of course not something new for us – security has always been at our core. Only verified users and senders move in Kivra. We encrypt all content and use the most sophisticated methods to offer a service people can rely on - even in an increasingly insecure online environment. With us, you as a sender participate and work for safer digital communication, for everyone.

Illustration med kalender, mobil och swish

Faster payments with invoices in Kivra

Five days before the due date – that is how early invoices sent in Kivra are paid on average. Eight percent of them are already paid the same day they are sent out. But it's about more than just payments, for many businesses invoices are the only regular contact they have with their recipients. With an opening rate of 95 percent, we can offer both an efficient and reliable communication channel.

Send it with us instead

We continuously develop our service with new features. What started with digital letters is now a comprehensive platform of solutions that connect and simplify.

Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg


Avoid delays and send with Kivra. All kinds of letters can be sent with us.

Read more about letters
Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg


With us, you get an efficient and flexible payment channel with a high open rate and fast payments.

Read more about invoices
Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg


Did you know that you can send bookings with us? Perfect for appointments – the recipient can easily add the booking to their calendar.

Read more about bookings
Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg


Less admin. More security. Save time, money, resources, and the environment with payslips in Kivra.

Read more about payslips
Används exempelvis för puffBlock när vi använder tema (theme) när bakgrunden är mörkgrön (theme primary)


Do a survey, ask questions - find out what your citizens think in a simple and flexible way using forms in Kivra.

Read more about forms
Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg

Registered letters

Send registered letters digitally in Kivra – secure, cheap and without the requirement of a physical address.

Read more about registered letters
Herobild för webbsida för att digitalisera regioner

How good is Sweden at digitalization?

We have it in black and white (or well, in color to be precise). We simply mapped the country's regions, because it's high time to retire paper. Regardless of how your region is doing, we are here to support you in the transition.


Region Örebro County: Faster Payments "Overnight"

Reduced administration, fewer incorrect payments, and smoother payment flows. When Region Örebro County introduced Swish as a payment option in Kivra, the results were immediate. – "Really fun to see such extremely quick results. Major impact overnight", says Johannes Johansson, head of the Finance Department, customer invoices.

Time to increase digitalization? We can help you.

Digital mail has become integral to the societal development. According to SKR, all municipalities need to accelerate their digitalization efforts. Through the initiative Handslag för digitalisering, Sweden's municipalities are investing in societal development through digitalization. You are likely already familiar with this and the strategic agenda that includes several projects. One of these projects focuses on the implementation and advancement of digital mail services. There has never been a more crucial and relevant time to transition to a sustainable and secure channel, and we are here to support you every step of the way.


City of Gothenburg – a fast and safe communication service

When the City of Gothenburg started using Kivra, it opened up communication channels for all companies and administrations throughout the municipality. Suddenly they all had the opportunity to reach all citizens through an easy-to-use and secure service.

Want to know more?

We can help your municipality or region get started with Kivra.