Region Örebro County: Faster Payments "Overnight"

Reduced administration, fewer incorrect payments, and smoother payment flows. When Region Örebro County introduced Swish as a payment option in Kivra, the results were immediate.

Really fun to see such extremely quick results. Major impact overnight, says Johannes Johansson, head of the Finance Department, customer invoices.

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Less hassle and increased savings with Swish

Region Örebro County has been sending invoices through Kivra for several years. To further simplify the process, they eventually started considering adding Swish as a payment method in Kivra. A choice that would prove to be immediately effective, in more ways than one.

We had ended up in a situation where customers sometimes paid the same invoice twice or with the wrong amount. All of this creates extra administration for us. To avoid this, we wanted more people to pay directly in Kivra, so the invoice is automatically marked as paid. This reduces the risk of duplicate payments.

Quick and Significant Impact

After a seminar with one of the major banks, which described the success story of Swish and how the number of users had increased over the past year, Region Örebro County was eager to take action.

More and more people want to pay with their mobiles, and for us, it's obviously important to keep up with the development. We wanted to get started with Swish as quickly as possible. It feels really good to be able to offer citizens multiple ways to pay – it should be easy to pay.

Johannes Johansson describes the implementation as quick and smooth. The solution went live in September 2023 and immediately, 40-50 percent chose to pay with Swish. The payment rate in Kivra also increased drastically.

A Win-Win for Everyone

Suddenly, there was less administration and support cases – and for Region Örebro County, silence means everything is working as it should. At Region Örebro County, over 700,000 invoices per year are sent to patients within healthcare and dental care services. A large part of these are sent via Kivra, something Johannes Johansson views positively.

Our hope is that everyone gets Kivra so this development can continue and increase in pace. For us, it obviously means significant savings to avoid spending money on postage. Kivra's payment solutions and digital mail in themselves create savings for both citizens and the regions at large.

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Region Örebro County – Together, we create a better life

Region Örebro County is responsible for many issues that affect the daily lives and future of the county's residents, including healthcare, public transportation, infrastructure, business development, culture, and the development of social welfare.