With Kivra Campaigns you can add additional communication to sent content with appealing designs that follow company look and feel. No integration is required to get started - the sender adds campaign in a web interface where you can create, schedule, segment and see results.
If you want to learn more about how Campaigns work for senders, you can follow the link below.

Create result-oriented campaigns with Kivra!
How does Campaigns work then? A bit like a classic post-it note – but sleeker, easier, and more efficient. With the help of an editing tool and pre-designed templates, senders can create banners and information boxes with just a few clicks. They can easily choose the time period during which the banner should be displayed. Then, they can place them right in the line of sight in the mailing. It's no more difficult than that. As soon as it's sent, they can track clicks and open rates in their Sender Portal.
What do you need to do as a partner?
Most aspects related to Campaigns are managed by the senders themselves – but before it's their turn, you as a partner need to do the following:

Guidelines and Material
Offer a better segmentation!

Campaign tags is Kivras latest addition
By enabling the technical implementation of "tags", you can offer a sophisticated level of segmentation to your sender's customer communication. Campaign tags will enhance your offering and give your customers the tools they need to reach the right audiences with a new level of precision.
Contact us if you want to know more about how Campaign tags can help your customers!
How do Campaign Tags work?
The campaign tag will be included in version 2 of the Content Create API: v2/tenant/:tenantid/content.
More information can be found on our developer page.

Choose Tag segmentation
Type in:
- Tag name
- Title – Campaign name
Choose position: Top or bottom
Upload or create your banner
Choose the dates the campaign will be visible
Add link for the Campaign (optional)
Save draft or publish
Things to keep in mind:
It is important that the name you write is exactly the same as the one you use in your communications.
The shipment will be sent even if the tag name does not match, but no campaign will be displayed.
The same tag name can be used for both top and bottom placement.
A campaign with a tag will overwrite other campaigns with the same visible date.
The most recently created campaign will overwrite a previously created one.