Registered letter
Now you no longer need to go down to the village and mess around with identification and window envelopes – pick up your registered letter in Kivra instead! Just as secure as picking up a physical letter, but directly on the mobile. With BankID, you get safe access to your rec letters, which are saved automatically after you open them.

With registered letters right on your mobile phone, you don't have to go and pick them up at delivery points. Save both time and the environment!
Safely delivered and safely stored. You can feel safe in the fact that opened letters received are archived in Kivra automatically.
The registered letter is safely behind BankID and creates a secure experience for both sender and recipient.
A registered letter
is a secure and verified form of mail, often used when the content is sensitive or important.
Who sends registered letters?
Registered mail is usually sent by companies and authorities who need to receive a confirmation that you have received the information.
Why a registered letter?
Registered mail is used to ensure that important information actually reaches you and that receipt can be verified.
Kivra's task
Kivra ensures that the letter is delivered, saved and that the sender receives a receipt with the time and date of your BankID-signature.