Public Authorities

Did you know many Swedish public authorities and municipalities are connected to Kivra? This means that you can receive important letters swift, secure, and always accessible.

Fotograf: daria-nepriakhina- unsplash Kvinna tittar i mobil


With Kivra, you can receive authority letters faster. Holidays, traffic and wheather doesn’t affect our distribution.


Only you can access your account as a standard-setting. All data is encrypted and requires Mobile BankID.

Eco friendly

By using Kivra, you contribute to save thousands of trees every year. Also, everything sent with Kivra is climate compensated.

Fotograf: beth-jnr-unsplash - Människor i grupp pratar

Mail from public authorities - never been easier

Now it will be easier to keep track of papers, decisions and payments. When you get Kivra, your government mail ends up in one place. You will immediately know when something important comes up, and can read the mail when and where ever you want. In addition, it is more secure than paper mail – thanks to BankID, no unauthorized person can access your stuff.

Kallelse Kivra företag

Get your appointments through Kivra

With Kivra, you get many appointments from both regions and private actors automatically in the app. More and more care providers are sending smart inventations to make the process even easier. With a couple of clicks, you can, among other things, add the invitation to the calendar, make rebookings and get directions.

From which authorities? 

Here are a few of the public authorities which use Kivra. Find the complete list by clicking "See all".

Logotyp för Skatteverket.
Logotyp för Pensionsmyndigheten.
Logotyp för försäkringskassan
Logotyp för Transportstyrelsen.
Logotyp för CSN.
Logotyp för Arbetsförmedlingen.
Dina viktigheter – det viktigaste vi vet Kivra. Tjej i soffa med dator.

It is all up to you

Do you want your declaration digitally or on paper? It is all up to you. With us, you receive official mail from a lot of senders - including the Tax Agency, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Employment Agency. You decide yourself who can send in Kivra, and whether you want to share your inbox with a partner. Change your settings quickly and easily.

Get digital mail from both public and private sector

More information

The Orange Envelope

Your annual information from the Pension Authority can be received in Kivra.

Learn more about the Orange Envelope

The tax income declaration

With a Kivra account, you will receive your tax declaration and return information earlier.
Learn more about the tax income declaration and tax refund


  • Mail from public authorities, how does it work?

  • Which companies and authorities send content in Kivra?

  • Can I choose what I receive in Kivra?