Credit reports
You have the right to get notified if someone has requested a credit report on you. With Kivra you receive the information quickly and securely. And collect the credit reports among your other important documents.
With credit reports in Kivra you get strengthened protection against the misuse of your personal data.
When someone has requested a credit report on you, you will receive a notification. You read the information as a letter in your inbox.
All at one place
With Kivra, you collect everything in the same place. Credit reports as well as other letters and invoices. Also, receipts, agreements, and payslips.

Keep yourself updated
As a user of Kivra, you get notified via e-mail or push notification every time you get a new credit report. Instead of waiting for physical mail. This is a way to prevent identity theft since you get the chance to act immediately if you don’t recognize the company who asked for the report. You act by contacting the creditor. Several credit report companies are connected to Kivra.
Make sure you have notifications activated in your Kivra app so that you don’t miss out on new mail.
What is a credit report?
When you buy something on credit, want to start a subscription, or apply for a loan – more than often, a credit report is requested. The credit report gives information about your financial status and circumstances that affect your ability to pay, or repay a loan.
It is your right to be informed when such information has been requested. You also have the right to receive a copy of what information has been shared with the requesting credit report company.
Who requests the information?
What information is included in the credit report depends on who requested the information. A bank or landlord often needs more information to be able to make a decision than, for example, a company. You have the right by law to be informed when such information has been requested. If you want to know what information has been disclosed, you can order a copy from the credit reporting agency involved.
Why a credit report?
A credit report is a way for the bank, lender or company to confirm your ability to pay. So a way to assess whether you should be granted your credit and on what terms. The principle is based on the fact that the financial risk is less with a borrower who has previously managed his payments than with someone who has payment complaints. It is also a financial way to prevent you as a person from getting into trouble due to high indebtedness.
Credit reporting companies' task
The mission of the credit reporting companies is to send you a copy of the information. In this way, you will find out which company took the information and what information they have received. It is not the credit reporting company that decides whether you are granted your credit, it is the credit provider.

Have you received an SMS?
Kivra sends text messages on behalf of the Credit report companies, to quickly let you know if someone has requested a credit report on you. By registering for Kivra you can access it directly. And check that the information is correct. If you don’t want to read it digitally you don’t need to do anything. The credit report will then be sent with paper mail to your registered home address.
What is a credit report?
Why have I received an SMS about a credit report?
How do I read credit reports in Kivra?