Reach your tenants digitally
With Kivra you send your flyers quickly, securely and digitally. You know that they arrive without tangle and that the opening rate is unsurpassed. Our portal gives you concrete statistics and a clear overview of your mailings. Reach Kivra's 6 million users today!

Dispatch and communication
Do you want to send flyers to tenants, payslips to your employees or information to companies in your premises? Kivra is the easiest way to do it.
Rental notices and membership fees can be sent out monthly, quarterly - or for whatever time period you prefer - Kivra offers complete freedom of choice.
Communicate with companies
Do you rent premises to companies? You can send flyers and information to them through Kivra. Over 170.000 companies and entrepreneurs are connected to Kivra - reach them all today!
A first step for Bostaden Umeå

Bostaden Umeå took a big step on their digitization journey when they started sending all rent notices in Kivra.
We want to make it as easy as possible for our tenants, and then being able to send rent notices in Kivra - where they can also pay - was a natural step and solution for us on our digitization journey. (...) We are very pleased with how quickly and smoothly we were able to get started with Kivra. We already feel that there is a better payment ethic now.
Laila Sjögren-Byström, finance manager Bostaden Umeå
To be honest, I don't think we've had any negative reactions whatsoever. Instead, many are positive that they can pay their rent quickly and conveniently.
Anna Öhman, financial manager, Bostaden Umeå
Sweden's highest opening rate

The opening rate of mailings in Kivra is unmatched. Combine that with our 6 million users, Kivra is the most effective way to communicate with your tenants and condominium owners.
The best way to reach people was through the Kivra service - because then we could also see that they had read the information.
Syle Bogiqi, marketing manager at Varbergs Bostad
Easy to get started
Getting started with Kivra is super easy! Depending on what you want to send, there are different routes to take - here are three of them.