Improve the healthcare experience with us
Did you know that almost the entire healthcare experience can take place in Kivra? From bookings and health forms to test results and receipts. A new way to take care of your patients – all the way.

Increased care for the patient
Keeping track of everything related to the healthcare appointment can be a challenge. With us, you can offer the patient an easier, safer healthcare journey. They gets access to everything from bookings to test results with a single login.
Less waste of resources and a reduced workload
Avoid bookings getting lost in the mail, missed doctor's appointments and time-consuming administration. Send everything in one channel and be sure that the right information reaches the right person at the right time.
A secure channel for sensitive information
We are a wise choice in terms of integrity – in Kivra nothing goes astray. All content is encrypted and verified with Mobilt BankID.
Discover the healthcare journey in Kivra
How much better could your patient contact be?
Unilabs and Kivra – a story of success with fewer missed appointments
Unilabs is one of Sweden's largest private healthcare providers with, among other things, receptions in mammography and radiology. In the work to digitize their communication with patients, they currently use Kivra. Something that led to both a reduction in missed bookings and more satisfied customers.

Reach patients where they already are
Most of the population actively uses Kivra. When you send with us, you can be sure that the content will arrive and be read. We have an opening rate of 95 percent and know that our users regularly log in and take part in their content. With us, you reach the patients where they already are, without delays and unnecessary administration. There is much to be gained from fast and secure communication – smoother processes, better planning and happier patients are just some of the benefits.
Want to know more?

Reach 6 million people with us.
We are the obvious choice, no matter what you want to communicate. Out of our over 6 million users, 99 percent have been active in the last three months. With us, you can send letters, invoices, pay stubs, reservations, signatures, and receipts, among other things.