Payslips in Kivra through Hogia MyPayslip

The payslip that does good

With Hogia's payroll system, it is easy and safe to send payslips in Kivra directly to employees' digital mailboxes. For every payslip sent with Kivra, Hogia and Kivra donates a portion of the revenue to selected charities, at no extra cost for you as a customer. It will be a great win-win when we work together towards the goals of Agenda 2030 and a more sustainable world.

Hero Hogia v2

Why are payslips in Hogia right for you?

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Ikon föreställande en cirkel med en symbol för att något är avbockat.

The payslip that does good

A portion of the proceeds goes directly to charity, at no cost for you.

Ikon föreställande en cirkel med en symbol för att något är avbockat.

All the important stuff gathered

Employees can gather even more important stuff in the same place.

Ikon föreställande en cirkel med en symbol för att något är avbockat.

Less administration

A higher reading level leads to fewer questions about the payslips.

Ikon föreställande en cirkel med en symbol för att något är avbockat.

Follows the employee

Payslips are saved in the employee's private Kivra. When changing jobs, they follow along with them and older payslips are saved.

Glada lönespecar

Can your payslip improve the life of someone else? – Yes, actually.

With Hogia's payroll system, your employees can receive their pay slips directly in Kivra. For every pay slip sent there, we donate a sum to non-profit organizations such as Reach for Change and IT for Children, among others – at no extra cost to you.


The payslip that does good - A happy surprise for Strömma Turism & Sjöfart

Merja Wahrén has been HR & payroll manager at Strömma Turism & Sjöfart for just over a year now. From the head office in Stockholm, she and her colleagues manage the payroll not only for Strömma but also for the parent company PC Rettig, Hemavan Alpint and Djurgårdensfärjetrafik. The fact that you contribute to charity by using the Payslip, that does good, became a positive surprise.

How to get started

  • Order your Kivra integration directly from Hogia. No order is placed with Kivra.
  • With Kivra's integration, payslips can be sent directly from MyPayslip.
  • Always send to all employees. Those who register Kivra later receive a retroactive delivery. Simple for both employees and employers.

Get the Kivra integration

Contact and order your Kivra integration via Hogia. Hogia then activates the function for you to send payslips in Kivra.

Contact Hogia

Accept terms & conditions

In order to send payslips in Kivra, you need to accept Kivra General Terms and Conditions.

Kivra General Terms and Conditions


After you have ordered the license, all configuration takes place automatically as your payroll system has a direct integration with Kivra.


All done! Spread the word

Now you can start sending payslips in Kivra. To receive payslips, the employee needs to create an account with us.

Download communication material

Start sending payslips in Kivra

bild samarbete hogia kivra reach for change

Together we do good: Reach for Change

With the support of Kivra and Hogia, Reach for Change can take the first steps towards developing its business and accelerating the momentum towards the set goals for 2030, namely to tenfold its social impact and reach 30 million children and young people, through its support program for social entrepreneurs. The work towards 2030 will have three focus areas: reducing poverty, reducing inequality and the climate.


  • How long does it take to get started with e-payslips?

  • Hur gör vi för att presentera vår logotyp i Kivra?

  • What is the cost of sending e-payslips with Kivra?

  • How does the transition to e-payslip work for our employees?