"Gift cards are a better gift in Kivra"

A gift card that is not redeemed is not a good gift. That's what Marcus Andelius, founder and CPO at Charma, says. The goal is for everyone to be redeemed, and to succeed with that, Kivra was chosen as the channel.

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Verified channel that recipients trust

At Charma, it is important that customers feel safe. Sending gift cards via email or SMS has become less effective - they simply risk being ignored or ending up in the spam folder. Many people are hesitant to click on SMS links and want to be sure that what is being sent comes from a reliable source. Sending in Kivra became an easy way to reach the recipients' terms.

By adding Kivra, we offer a verified channel that recipients trust. Kivra is a reliable platform, which increases confidence that the gift is really from the sender it claims to be, says Marcus Andelius.

Kivra adds to the experience

The more people who work from home, the more gift cards need to be sent instead of given in the office. Since mail handling can lead to unnecessary hassle such as returns and increased administration, the process has instead received a major boost since they started sending in Kivra.

Receiving a gift card digitally is not the same as receiving it in your hand, but with Kivra we get closer to that feeling. In Kivra, the digital gift card is given increased weight and seriousness, which creates a feeling of security and value for both client and recipient, explains Jonas Theodor, founder and CTO at Charma.

Increased redemption rate and better control

Has the gift arrived? With Kivra, you can easily follow the shipments and quickly make adjustments or additions if necessary. In addition, automatic reminders are sent to those who have not redeemed their gifts, reducing the risk of gift cards being forgotten in an overflowing inbox.

Sending gifts via physical mail often leads to longer lead times and uncertainty about whether the gift really reaches the right recipient in time. With digital delivery via Kivra, we maintain control throughout the entire flow, which significantly increases delivery security, says Jonas.

A sustainable solution over time

At Charma, they look forward to continuing to develop their digital solutions with Kivra as an important part of the strategy. The ambition is to be at the technological forefront and at the same time offer a product that is both safe and environmentally friendly.

By including Kivra, we can further strengthen our offer and attract more customers who value the digital and sustainable alternative, concludes Marcus Andelius.

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About Charma

Det ska vara roligt och enkelt att visa uppskattning till sina medarbetare, samarbetspartners och kunder! Därför har Charma utvecklat marknadens smidigaste digitala tjänst för att beställa och distribuera företagsgåvor. Med sitt heltäckande gåvoutbud och personliga service skapar Charma en uppskattad gåvoupplevelse för både givare och mottagare.