Send notification about credit notices with Kivra
With the content type Credit notice the recipient will not only receive a credit notice in their Kivra home, but will also receive a notification via email that a credit notice has been done.

Credit notice in Kivra
When senders send a credit notice in Kivra the recipient will also receive a section with questions and answers.
It can be things such as who the recipient should contact if they want more information, what a credit notice is and where to turn if one believes one has been subjected to fraud - a great help to your customer service team.
Notifications regarding credit notices
Documents sent in Kivra all have suitable flows of notification for optimal customer experience.
When sending (Push and email)
A copy of a credit notice has been issued
4 days later (Push)
Don't forget your credit notice copy from...
6 days later (Email)
You have an unread copy of a credit notice from...