Signatures with Kivra

Kivra offers three different types of signatures - which one is right for you and your customers? Contact us to hear more about how it works.

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Why choose Kivra for signatures?

Secure & Verified

With signatures in Kivra, you know that both initiator, partner and signer are verified, and that the signing is encrypted.


Easy to set up for both companies and partners. The signing can be completed even if the signatory does not have Kivra.


After a document is signed, everyone involved can always access it easily and conveniently via Kivra.

Signatures in Kivra

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Kivra's service for signing via our partners allows both initiator and signer to complete the signature within their partner's system - while the signature is initiated, completed and archived in Kivra's service.

How it works

Seen from both the sender's and partner's perspective, this is how it works.



Upload the agreement in the signing platform - the recipient receives an invitation in Kivra to sign.



The recipient opens the invitation in Kivra and is linked to the signing platform to sign.



The signed agreement is securely saved in both Kivra and the signing platform.

Technical specification: get started!
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Kivra's own signing tools are aimed at a partner or a company that wants to build a simple, but robust and effective, signing solution. This service requires an integration with our API.

The solution is based on the signer having a BankID, but does not require the signer to have a Kivra mailbox.