Invite to sign
Invite to sign in Kivra can be utilized to send a content with an invite to a signature service.
Send an invite to sign:
Step 1 - Add the recipient
Add SSN or email of the recipient.
Step 2 - Add subject/title
This subject/title will be visible in the Recipient’s Inbox.
Note! Don’t include any personal information here, such as the recipient's name or SSN in the subject/title.
Step 3 - Send the content
Type invite.sign. Set link to the signing service chosen (service provider), on behalf of (optional) and expiration date
Step 4 - Add retention details (optional)
If the recipient is not yet an active user of Kivra, you can let Kivra retain the invite. If the recipient activates Kivra during the retention time period, Kivra will deliver the invite. Set retain to true and your chosen retention time.
Step 5 - User signs
User enters the link and signs the document in your chosen signing service
Step 6 - Send signed contract
Send the signed contract to user for archiving when all parts has signed, using content type letter.signed