Sustainability – our core business

What we do, we do for the planet. Our biggest motivation is that our core business is sustainable in itself. Let’s create real change together.

steven-kamenar-MMJx78V7xS8-unsplash. Kivra hållbarhet.

Change for whom?

For each person

Doing the right thing should be easy. Kivra is a simple way to spare the environment.

For each tree

Every day, lots of trees turn into documents. Feels wrong, right? Let’s go digital and help save the forest.

For the whole planet

Saving nature is everyone’s responsibility. As a company, we want to make a positive impact – one (digital) paper at a time.

En vuxen och ett barn, deras fötter på grusig mark. Fotograf: Daiga Ellaby

We started out as a sustainability mindset

Short version is, we replace papers with screens. Partly because it's easier. Partly because it is kinder to the environment. When you use Kivra, you become part of our very own ecosystem. It's quite simple, really. More users in Kivra – more senders in Kivra. Our sustainability mindset seeps into everything we do – we constantly challenge ourselves to think broader, greener. With you, we become the chain reaction that sparks change.

Fjällvärlden, blå himmel. Fotograf: Anne Nygard

Our most important work in progress

Keep on keeping on! A sustainable core business is good, but we’re not done yet. Actually, we never will be. We measure and reduce all our emissions. And then some.

Numbers we don't like

Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg

One billion window envelopes are sent each year

It's true. One billion. Every year. This obviously contributes to massive carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental impacts. So much for some piles of paper and dusty binders.

Använd denna ikon vid mörkgrön temafärg

Four billion receipts are printed each year

Imagine a forest of 50.000 trees, and how they suddenly disappear and turn into receipts. You find yourself in the middle of a huge clearcut that, quite frankly, could’ve been avoided in the first place.

We’re committed to sustainable development

logo 4-1 format digitalidag
Logo - Exponential Roadmap
Exponential Roadmap
logo 4-1 format itforchildren
It for Children
logo 4-1 format lakare utan granser
Läkare Utan Gränser
Logo - Race to zero
Race to Zero
Logo-Reach for change
Reach for Change
Logotype för SME Climate Hub
SME Climate Hub
Logotyp för Tech for Good.
Tech for Good

Got feedback? Let us know!

Hero uppförandekod Kivra

Our code of conduct

It’s simple – we believe in safety and kindness. It’s in everything we do.

Our awards

It’s not why we go to work – but we’re always happy to see our sustainable business model getting some attention.

Logotyp för Sustainable Brand Index.
Sustainable Brand Index
Logotyp för Purposeful Brands Digital 19/20.
Plats 2, "Sveriges mest meningsfulla digitala varumärken"
Logotyp för Technology Fast 50 pris.
"Most Disruptive Innovation Award" Plats 10 i Fast50
Logotyp för Swedish Institute for Quality.
Quality Innovation Award
Logotyp för Pontus Schultz Pris.
Pontus Schultz pris
Logo Aktuell hållbarhet
Kivra prisas för sitt klimatarbete av Aktuell Hållbarhet
Get started right away or learn more
Fotograf: tom Swinnen unsplash Fjällvandrare 16 juni 2022

Your important stuff is our priority

We’re here to make adulting easier. Adulting as in paying bills, keeping receipts, collecting letters and keeping track of stuff. We’re here to take your mind off papers, and to let trees produce oxygen rather than spreadsheets. To us, smart, kind and smooth goes hand in hand. Join over half of Sweden's population and gather your important stuff in Kivra.