Whistleblowing at Kivra

Kivra's culture is characterized by transparency and sustainability in all aspects. For us, it is important that everyone feels safe to share questions and concerns, and we encourage all employees to raise any suspicions of wrongdoing. Primarily to the immediate manager, HR or Kivra's work environment committee, but if for various reasons it is not possible; in Kivra's external whistle channel.

Visselblåsar hero

About whistleblowing

Kivra provides a secure and anonymous external whistleblower channel, through Visslan i Norden AB. Visslan is an independent platform, disconnected from Kivra's other systems and IT environments. Whistleblowing offers anyone the ability to securely and anonymously report suspected misconduct. All reports received through the channel are handled and investigated in the first instance by an independent external party, before Kivra's internal whistleblower team is involved.



Through the whistleblower channel, you who are or have been active within Kivra can report misconduct relating to Kivra's operations.



Kivra encourages the use of the whistleblower channel when normal escalation or communication channels cannot be used for various reasons. The channel can be used to raise the alarm about misconduct that affects individuals, the organization or that for other reasons is of public interest to report on.



You can choose to report in two different ways, either in writing through the Whistleblower or verbally to someone in the internal whistleblower team (Kivras Head of Compliance, CHRO and chairman of the board). When reporting via Visslan, external representatives will determine whether a reported misconduct should be treated as a whistle-blowing case or if there are other, more appropriate ways to handle the received case.

Whistleblower Act

The Whistleblower Act protects you when you report misconduct at work. It can be about things that break the law, for example Swedish laws or EU laws, but it can also be things that are of general interest – that is, important for society to know, even if it is not directly illegal.

The law covers a range of misconduct, for example:

  • Bribery
  • Frauds
  • Money laundering
  • Dangerous work environment
  • Illegal handling of personal data and discrimination

It is important to remember that the law applies both when you report internally within Kivra and externally to an authority. You are always protected from reprisals, such as dismissal or worse job duties, if you report misconduct.